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Expectations vs. Reality (Craft Edition)

Hello everyone I know it's almost February, and we passed January in the 2017 year where we all set goals for ourselves for a new year. Well I been there too expectantly with art, and every time I make something I expect it to turn out beautiful like it's museum worthy. Then it turns in reality. Anyway for this fun post I will be telling you the expectations vs. reality of being an artist, or craft addition.

1. Drawing ideas, and how they turn out.

Every artist loves to draw (I think) , and always have that one idea of what there going to paint or draw, and you say to yourself. " Oh my gosh this will be in a museum one day I have to draw it now." Then you get all of your supplies, and your crafty sketch book, and start drawing it. Then once you draw this image in your head here's how it looks in your head then reality.

Expectation Reality

This is what happens to me all the time, and I bet some of you can relate to this, and just so you know you are not alone, and this can be me.

(Note: If you don't want the reality picture go to my shading blog for better shading. I will put a link below this blog.) Anyway lets move on.

2. Pinterest D.I.Ys

We all have Pinterest the app right if not look it up, and you will love it if you want to continue crafting more. Anyway don't you love all the diy crafts on there that you can make yourself. Well I've been there, and want to make every single one of foods, gift baskets, jewelry, and everything else I want to make, but it does not look like the image when I make it. Check out the examples here.

See what I mean but some people are just lucking, or they just love working on crafts for hours, and hours. Moving on.

3. Organized Art Studio

Every artist loves having a studio expectantly a organized one because you can find everything you need to paint, draw, or make a home decoration. But not all artist are all organized because we don.t put stuff back the way they where, and there's paint, and glue all over the floor. Again you are not alone because I always have a messy craft box, or cabinet. Here's some images of what I'm talking about.

Expectation Reality

We all can relate right? Yes we can. If you can relate to all of these three expectations vs reality then please tell me what they are, and I hope you all enjoyed this post. Thank you, and I hope you all have a crafty day.

Pinterest: Just so you all know pinterest in my opinion is a app or site that has many ideas, and facts that can help you in life. For example like diets, crafts, foods, or ever websites for free stuff. Also you can shop on the app for stuff you love like clothes. I hope you check the app out!!!

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